Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Post Colonialism: AVATAR [for editing]

“For some time now, the accidental events on the street seem to the movie-goer just leaving the theater like the planned contingency of a film.  Between the mechanically assembled phrases taken from the language of daily life, the chasm yawns.”
 - “Trying to Understand Endgame” Theodor W. Adorno
Humans are engaged in mining the reserves of a precious mineral on the moon Pandora of the Alpha Centauri star system.

Colonized people refers to the European colonial powers of Britain, France and Spain. Colonized people, especially of the British Empire attended British universities and with their access to education, created this new criticism (literary theory with a critical approach deals with literature from countries that once were colonies of other countries, esp the European colonial powers)..former republics of the Soviet Union became subjects of the study of postcolonialism also.

It's just that previously colonized places are homogenized in western discourse under the umbrella labe like "Third World." And it's about the uneven impact of Western colonialism on different cultures, places and peoples,. There was and still is resistance to the West, our relations, practices and representation of the past, to our materialistic ways, problems we create for others in defining their national identity, the ways in which the knowledge of the colonized (subordinated) people has been gernerated and used to serve the colonizer's interests; and the ways the colonizers literature has justified colonialism via images of the colonized as a perpetually inferior people, society and culture.

Colonialism was about seeing the Orientals and Westerners as different from each other: East vs West or East/West binary. This opposition justified Westerner perception of the "white man's burden" to rule and govern subordinate people. Which concept was a Western creation, and seeing the Orient as an inferiour world, backward, irrational and wild, while depicting the West as superior, progressive, rational and civil.

Postcolonialism is different. Post colonialism seeks out areas of hybridity and transculturalization particularly during processes of globalization.

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